Germans are sadists, and they love to commit hate crimes. They don't feel complete and satiated unless they've hated, tortured or gassed people, which is why 3rd class Kassel University, Germany, invites foreign students from races, cultures and religions that the Germans hate because they've been brainwashed to hate those people at this time.
Germans can't say, 'We were so stupid we were all hypnotized by our lord, Adolf Hitler.' Germans are still as stupid as they were at the time. It's in their genes, criminal stupid genes.
Whenever Adolf shows up again, the Germans would worship their little lord from hellfire, the insane wolf.
And now the Jews and Muslims should shift their attention from the Middle East and consider fighting their common enemy, that is, Germany.
Nazi-Arab Terror @ International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel