Differences between the low-bred and the high-bred are stark when you look at Germans and how they just don't know about diversity of life.
If you're from a good home, and you've seen noble, illustrious family members, and your grandparents weren't crazy priests or mullahs for Hitler and the gang; you'd always take a stand against injustice and oppression. If you've been to good schools, you won't be a bum like these Kassel University creeps. We've been informed they're so dull you just want to slap them across their dead-eyed faces not just because they're dull and waste everybody else's time -- but because they're low-bred, from low quality homes and schools, and they side with criminals. The only role models for them are rape attempters like Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep.
It's a vicious cycle of poverty: They are poor and they go to the poor, so they learn poverty and become useless and wicked forevermore.
These are Nazis proper: Prof. Dr. Rolf-Dieter Postlep had an insane Nazi priest for a grandfather. Postlep, the bald-headed President of Kassel University, has had God knows how many criminals in his family.
These are senior Nazis that Hitler would be proud of. You can become a great criminal at Kassel University, but because you have to have very low IQ to go there -- you can be a bum washer type of criminal, the kind that just did what they were told to do at Auschwitz, for example, and the kinds of low-born, ignoble, low IQ students at Kassel University.
Three ways of earning degrees in Germany:
1) Buy them from two-penny universities like Kassel University.
2) Sleep with your old, demented, ugly professor with a dysfunctional home, diseased genitals, and emotional problems because insanity runs in German blood.
3) Stand behind the Nazis, support their crimes, for example, the way the criminals of Kassel University (the dull students) behaved as they backed Rolf-Dieter Postlep's rape attempts. After that, you could pretend to be an innocent criminal with a degree. All Kassel University students are innocent criminals now.
Because you can be sure this brainless race has nothing to teach you. No education in Germany.
Nazi-Arab Terror @ International Center for Development and Decent Work (ICDD), University of Kassel